EYE Croatia held a workshop “Future of Transport”

This Saturday, EYE Croatia organized an interesting online workshop named “The Future of Transport”.

This workshop was organized in collaboration with the company AVAIRX and was led by its founder and CEO Manuel Chaufrein.

AVAIRX is a strategic consulting company specialized in innovative transport solutions and technologies, as well as transport planning and urbanism. You can read more about it here.

What is the vision of an urban transport in 2050?

Although the topic seemed to be intended exclusively for transport experts, the workshop was attended by a number of other engineers, such as chemical or mechanical engineers, making the dialogue even more interesting.

A total of 18 participants were present, among whom were respected professors of the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, including doc.dr.s.c Edouard Ivanjko, from the Department for Intelligent Transportation Systems and doc. dr. sc. Luka Novačko from the Department of Road Transport.

At the beginning of the workshop, after a brief introduction by EYE president Marin Dokoza, Manuel Chaufrein introduced AVAIRX and spoke about the latest transport solutions, such as autonomous and electric vehicles or unmanned aerial vehicles. He also introduced the topic of carsharing and the impact of COVID-19 on future mobility. Group work followed after the introduction.

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2050 Traffic Vision?

The aim of the workshop was to discuss in groups how could urban transport look like in the future and what new technologies could emerge.

Participants were divided into two groups and had 10 minutes to discuss and prepare a presentation of their vision of urban transport in year 2050, describe individual transport systems, and then present their vision to another group.

After interesting presentations, participants agreed that commin points of their 2050 transport visions were certainly a higher percentage of autonomous and electric vehicles in cities, more frequent autonomous taxi services, more integrated transport, more drone deliveries due to higher percentage of work from home.

After amazing presentations of both teams, Manuel expressed his final thoughts about presented ideas and greeted the present engineers. We all returned to our daily activities with yet another enriching international experience.

Author of the article: Božo Cicvarić
